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Stormwater Ordinances, Education & Renovation

Stormwater Ordinances

The city has a number of ordinances, many of which are based partially or completely upon model ordinances provided by the North Georgia Metropolitan Planning District (the District), that are directly or indirectly related to stormwater. They are as follows: 
  • Illicit Discharge and Illegal Connection Ordinance
  • Post Development Stormwater Management for Development and Redevelopment Ordinance
  • Floodplain Management Ordinance
  • Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance
  • Stream Buffer Protection Ordinance
  • Litter Control Ordinance
  • Conservation Subdivision / Open Space Development Ordinance

Stormwater Education

The follwing resources are provided to help raise awareness about stormwater and provide useful education to residents and businesses in Berkeley Lake so that all can play a part in protecting the city's valuable water resources.

2006-2007 Stormwater Infrastructure Renovation

In 2006-2007 using SPLOST funds, the city undertook a major drainage infrastructure project. The project included the replacement of existing stormwater structures. In order to perform some of the work associated with the project, the city had to acquire permanent drainage easements on many properties around Lakeshore Drive.